Bulbophyllum orchids, also known as “Bulbos,” are the largest genus of orchids with more than 2000 species. They are named after their bulbous leaves and are known for having an incredible range of flower shapes and colours. The bizarre species are considered to be...
What is root extender? Root Extender is 100% natural. It contains blended mycorrhiza and other beneficial live fungal spores. Mycorrhiza is essential to the germination and the growth of Orchid Plants. Benefits: Encourages root development – Ideal for potted plants....
Beneficial Micro-organisms that enhance soil health and biology Plant of Health’s Microbe Probiotic use Effective Micro-organisms (EM) and EMs have a fascinating history. EM was discovered by a Japanese horticulturalist, Dr. Teruo Higa, some 25 years ago. The...
Orchid Den’s sells food grade Diatomaceous Earth Food grade Diatomaceous earth is a very useful form of pest control and a rich source of plant Silica Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a naturally occurring deposit of fossilised diatoms, silica rich ancient marine...
These popular orchids are sold in many stores. These orchids need a clear pot as they photosynthesise through their roots, but can have a ceramic pot to steady the plant when in flower. Unfortunately they are sold as a “bunch of flowers” rather than a plant, so little...
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