Tree Fern Orchid Mount Single Pack

SKU: 787099755522 Category:


20 in stock

Tree Fern Orchid Boards (also known as Tree Fern Plaques, Tree Fern Slabs, Tree Fern Mounts, and Xaxim Orchid Mounts) have been used for many years and are well regarded as the ideal mount for orchids, air plants, ferns and more. These come with a wire attached to enable hanging. The approximate size is 20cm x 10cm and 2.5cm thick.

These orchid boards are made from New Zealand Tree Fern and are softer and more moisture retentive than boards made from South American or Asian Tree Fern.

  • They have a very natural colour and when wetted will turn to a darker chocolate brown.
  • They offer excellent drainage and aeration and can be used in high humidity glass houses without deterioration.

Tree Fern Orchid Boards can be used by both hobbyist and commercial growers.

We recommend soaking them in water and liquid seaweed for an hour before mounting your orchid.